Journal Papers / International Co-authorship
Ma, T.C., & Lin, C.H., & Hsu, S.N.(2024,Jun).Integration of Narrative Strategies in Poster Design Education for Southeast Asian Students, Innovation on Design and Culture, Vol.3, Iss.2: 38-48.
Chia-Hua Lin (2023,Nov).Differences between Dynamic Signs and Static Signs on the Visual Cognition and User Experience in Fire Evacuation Guidance, Design for Emergency Management Chapter 11, Routledge, ISBN 9781032285030.
Ma, T.C., & Lin, C.H., & Hsu, S.N.(2023,Sep). Exploring Learning Effectiveness of Narrative Curriculum in Guiding Design Concepts for Southeast Asian Students. Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 3(3), 8-19.
張于敏、林家華(2023年11月)。預見風格創新教學法 (CSITM) 融入時尚畫課程 之研究。實踐設計學報第18期,P80-101
林家華(2021年06月)。觀點革命:探討後設認知理論導入設計科系策展企劃教學之學習歷程與成效。設計學報第 26 卷第 2 期 2021 年 6 月。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。(THCI)
林家華(2018年05月)。設計策展實務教學與策展體驗影響因素之研究。藝術教育研究期刊,第35期,33-64。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。(THCI、TSSCI )
Chia-Hua Lin, Hsiao-Ching Huang (2018, Oct). A Model for the Instructional Factors of Curatorial Teaching in Design Education. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 5 (3), 63-71. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.(THCI)
林家華、林楷潔、吳志富、張開國、黃明正、許慈文, "交流道出口標誌設計對駕駛者認知之影響," 設計學報, 設計學報第21卷第1期 2016年3月 (THCI)
Conference Papers
Pei-Xuan Wu, Chia-Hua Lin (2024,Jun). Perception of Matching Cat Personalities with Color Emotions. Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Kyushu, Japan.
I-Hsuan Huang., Chia-Hua Lin (2024,Jun). Compare the user experience and credibility of the interface of the pet disease website. Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Kyushu, Japan.
Yu-Ting Chen, Yi-Qian Lo, Chia-Hua Lin (2023, Mar).Research on User Experience Design of Public Warning System: A Case Study of Earthquake Alert of Mobile Device.The 13th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP2023) Official Conference Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan. 本人為通訊作者。
Chia-Hua Lin (2021, Dec). Recognizability of Pictograms for Building Fire Evacuation. IASDR2021 The ninth Congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research, online (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
Ping-Rong Chen, Chia-Hua Lin (2021, Oct). An Analysis of Patterns in Artmaking Behaviors of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Therapeutic Qualities of Art Mediums. 11th Mind-Body Interface International Symposium.
羅伊茜、林家華(2021年06月)。以TOE架構探討臺灣工藝性地方產業之中 小企 業主要影響因子分析。2021台灣數位媒體設計研討會。本人為通訊作者。
林禹馨、林家華(2020年10月)。學齡前兒童對鄰里公園中兒童遊戲像認知繪畫研究。2020 中華民國設計學會第 25 屆學術成果研討會,臺灣高雄。
蔡世元、林家華(2020年10月)。非連鎖咖啡店商標設計元素與情感之研 究。2020 中華民國設計學會第 25 屆學術成果研討會,臺灣高雄。
Ping-Hsuan Chiang, Chia-Hua Lin (2019, Sep). Exploring User Recognition of Motion Pictograms Designed for Providing Disaster-Related Information. 2019 International Association of Societies of Design Research, United Kingdom,Manchester. 本人為通訊作者。
林家華(2019年06月)。應用後設認知理論建構設計科系之策展企劃創學模式。國立臺北教育大學 2019 年教學實踐研究暨校務研究研討會論文 集,台北。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
Chia-Hua Lin, "Research of Key Factors Influencing Learning Effectiveness of Curatorial Education," Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, Vol.2,No1,Aug.2017
Chiang Ping-Hsuan and Lin Chia-Hua, "A Feasibility Study of Motion Pictogram and Signs ," The 64th conference of Japanese Society of Science of Design, July,2017,p. 116. 本人為通訊作者。
Hu Jui-Wen and Lin Chia-Hua, "A Study on Medical Pictogram Design Co-created by Participants from Different Backgrounds," The 64th conference of Japanese Society of Science of Design, July,2017,p. 118
林家華、陳彥甫、陳明涓(2018年08月)。感受百年歲月—日本橫手市增田町工作營成果彙編 (ISBN:978-957-43-5831-1)。臺北市。
西川潔 林家華 白珊瑜 (2016年01月)。指示標誌系統的設計法則:以醫療福祉設施為例 (ISBN:9789867214300) 。桑格文化。臺北市。
吳志富、梁成一、黃臣鴻、林家華、張開國、黃明正 (2013年08月)。以視覺人因探討圖形化指示標誌之設計原則 (ISBN:9789860377675)。交通部運輸研究所。臺北市。